Wow. It's been months since I've updated. I am going to get back in the habit of blogging so i can keep up with my boys and remember these precious days. Im going to fly through the past seven months. I was induced with mason on august 23, 2010. I got to the hospital at 5 am. He was born at 3:19 and weighed 8lbs 7 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. Labor and delivery was kind of rough. Mason had swallowed a significant amount of muconium, which is his own poop. He came out blue and wasn't breathing. I was getting an episiotemy at the time, but Brad stayed right by him and made sure he was going to be ok. His first apgar score was 2/10. They took him back for several hours, I didn't even see or hold him until 7:30 that evening. He developed a quarter sized strawberry on the back of his neck due to lack of oxygen. He still has it, but they think it will dissapear with time. He was required to stay in the nursery overnight for moniotoring. The nursery kept giving him hearing tests and he kept failing them. After the third time, they made an appointment a month later to come back. I had a meltdown. I was so hormonal, but I was just so worried that something was wrong with his brain, causing his hearing issues, since obviously Faith had neurological issues. He went back in a month and passed the hearing test. He had a rough start, but thank GOD he is perfectly healthy now. He is a pretty big boy, so he loves to eat. His favorite food is fruit, specifically, apples, bananas, and blueberrys. He weighed 18lbs at his 6 month checkup. He is in the 95 percentile. He got two teeth on February 20th. He is always smiling and loves his big brother so much. I could just eat him up. He is seven months now and he is rolling over, pulling up on some things, trying so hard to crawl, and standing with support. He screams alot! Happily! He is always smiling but he wants to be held 24/7, which I think is my fault :) I pretty much sit at home and stare at him all day. I was due back to work from maternity leave on October 18th. I quit on October 15th. I was so anxious and physically sick just thinking about leaving my baby. Thanks to my wonderful and supportive husband, he agreed that I could stay home with him. Now I just got my masters in teaching so I am hoping to be in my own classroom by August 2011 and until then I have subbed a litte bit. But I am so thankful to be able to stay home with my baby and enjoy this time with him. I remember when Peyton was this age, I missed out on so much because I was in school and work. Life is good now and we are enjoying our little bug! Peyton just started spring ball and we are really excited. We think he will be pitcher this season, so I am a proud mama! We bought a nikon d3000 so I have got to learn about it and start taking more pics. On another note, I am going to be an aunt! I am so excited to be an aunt, my sister is truly my best friend and I know she is going to be a wonderful mom. She will be finding out if the baby is a girl or boy on April 1. I can't wait! I am going to be one cool aunt. And my other best friend, Sierra, is having a boy!! She is due August 21st and my sister is due September 12th. So I will have two babies to love on and spoil! YAY!