Sunday, January 3, 2010


Ok, Brad and I were discussing our New Year's Resolutions and I mentioned that I want to lose 40 pounds this year. He told me if I was successful, I could choose three places I would like to visit and he would pick one and we would go there together. So, my top three are Honolulu, New York, or Greece. I think Greece is def out of the picture, so we'll see about the others! I have a great incentive and my good freind Alexis lost 90 pounds doing Metafast. It is expensive but I think I am going to give it a try. Excercising and eating 1300 cals. a day isn't cutting it. I do cheat on weekends and I have hypothyroidism which makes it SUPER hard to lose. Wish me luck!


  1. Wow girl! That's awesome! I am rooting for you!!!!! :-)

  2. That is a great goal- Honolulu definitely!!!

  3. So you could bikini beach it in Honolulu, or shop for fun new clothes (in smaller sizes) in New York! That's a tough one! I, too am on the same journey-but no one offered me a trip! We should be each other's cheerleaders!! Miss you!

