Sunday, January 3, 2010

Getting my 2010 on!

Hello! Long time no blog! And no exscuses either because I have been off work/school for two weeks. I can truly say this Christmas was the best Christmas that I have ever had! For several reasons. We started by going to Branson with Brad's brother, sister in law, and mother and we really had a blast. Then we celebrated Christmas together with great food and fellowship. I am so blessed to have the family I have. I am going back to work tommorow and starting school in the next few weeks, which I do not want to do. I am really looking forward to 2010 because 2009 was not a good year for me in many ways, but I still have so many blessings and we did receive several answered prayers from God in 2009, for which I am very thankful. I know this year will bring smiles and happiness. My camera's battery was not charged on Christmas morning so I used Becky's (my MIL) and I will post when I get them. Happy New Year!

New Year's Resolutions:

1-Of course, lose weight. I gave up cokes and sweet tea in September which was a big deal. I have not had either since and I feel like that is a great way to cut calories. I eat fairly healthy, but I need to incorporate working out more than two days a week. I am so busy but that is no exscuse. I pay for the gym so I have got to use it to lose it!

2-Strive to be a better mom and wife.

3-Be a better Christian. I really am lacking in this area. I have got to start reading scripture daily and getting back into my bible study.

4-Get organized! I organized several areas over the break, but I still have the office to do and I want to deep clean weekly! Brad has been wanting to hire a house cleaner and I may give in. I just have to much going on and I can't keep up.

1 comment:

  1. Great resolutions! :-) I have yet to give up my sweet tea addiction. It is so hard!

    Are you going to do this Beth Moore study with us? It starts Jan 20th. :-)
