Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Brad!!!

Brad and I had an awesome time in Dallas. His birthday was Sunday and I really think the best present that anyone could have ever given him were tickets in a box at the Jerry Jones stadium watching the HOGS! It was so awesome. There were drinks and food and tons of room with a great view. Not to mention the hogs kicked butt so it was a great game to watch. We went with Brad's boss and all the guys he works with. It was so much fun, we all went out to eat Friday night and went to the Buzz tailgating party Saturday. I really cannot remember the last time I had so much fun. I will post some pics so you can see for yourself. The guys we were with were so funny, I could not have laughed any harder. Brad got some great gifts from his family and mine when we got home and I know he isn't very good at calling or sending letters, but it really does mean a lot to him and he is very thankful that you guys thought of him on his birthday! He is gone all week and when he gets home Friday I will have already gone to Memphis for the Beth Moore conference. So my week will be lonely but that is ok. Happy Birthday Brad! I love you very much!


  1. I love your pictures! You guys look like you had so much fun. Happy Birthday Brad!

  2. Looks like y'all had a blast! Too fun!!

    CANNOT wait for this weekend! We will have so much fun. I really really need it... so I am beyond excited! Whoo-hoo!!

    Looks like Derek and Brad are "trading places" as far as being gone a week. Derek leaves EARLY Sunday morning for a work thing so he will be gone all next week. So we are just switching weeks! :-)

    Hope your week isn't too lonely!

  3. I'm so glad a saw through fb that you have a blog, I love them! Your pictures look like ya'll had fun!! I told Cabe ya'll went, and he thought was the coolest thing ever for Brad's birthday! Tell him we said happy late bday! Hope ya'll are doing well, its been forever since we have seen you and brad.
