"Train a child in the way he should go & when he is old he will not turn from it". Proverbs 22:6

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
21 weeks

Here is a disgusting preggo pic of me! I look like I am nine months pregnant! Oh well they say that happens with your second one. Anyway this is for those of you who don't see me all the time, you can thank Brittany for taking the pic at work! Also, this is Peyton's spring picture from school, both pics aren't the greatest because they are from my phone. Hope everyone is having a great week!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Easter and Baseball

The Easter bunny brought Peyton a Lego City firetruck and boat and lots of chocolate and candy. He had just woke up and found all the dyed eggs the bunny hid. The bunny had stayed up so late fixing his basket, gift, and hiding eggs, that he was still asleep on the couch! Hopefully I can get some better baseball pictures soon, especially with him smiling!
Busy Bees!

So I am super busy, but wanted to update the blog world. I went to my last UAMS diagnostic/genetics appointment and they cleared my baby boy of any health issues AT ALL! It was very bittersweet since I remember that place as being the most horrid of all places I've ever been to and now a place of thankfullness and relief. I am getting my new bed this week, which I am so thankful that I am getting because I am so uncomfortable. I am only halfway done with the pregnancy, but I can't sleep at all. Our bed is 25 years old and was a hand me down, so it was past time. It is a good bed too a King size pillowtop that I am hoping will be a piece of heaven. I am stressed with school and work this month, just because the end of semester assignments and end of school year reports. But I keep thinking hopefully this time next year I will have my own kiddos and will finally get to do what I love, teach. We had a great Easter with family and baseball season is going strong. So every night is busy busy! I'm going to try and post some pictures of baby stuff that I am going to get, when finances allow, and although I am thankful we don't have any credit card debt (anymore! whew!) I sometimes wish I could pull out my plastic and just get the room fixed all at once! I am impatient. But until then, I will just look at his room online! Hope everyone is having a great week!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
So I am getting so excited about a baby boy! I was very worried, hence my previous post, about not having a girl. It took a day or two to kind of realize wow, this is for real, because let me tell you there is no denying that this baby is a boy! :)
As soon as I found out that it was a boy, any and all health concerns flew out of my mind. I do not stay up at night and worry, or spend hours examining my ultrasounds and googling. It is a God send that I have a peace of mind. I don't know if it is because I sub-consciously associate a daughter with the horrible experience from before, which I hope that is not the case, but I really think in my mind I did sort of think of this baby as the last one, but now he is a he, he has a whole new identity. I also wanted to post two comments that my best friend Sierra and my sister said that made me chuckle.
Sierra: "This baby will be the perfect little baby God intended for you, penis or no penis". LOL!
Natalie: "Boys are so much better than girls, girls get upset about silly things and are way over-dramatic, such as you being dissapointed your baby is not a girl. A boy would never do that".
I also realized that the past week, I actually grieved properly for Faith. Last year, I knew she was gone, but instead of mourning her death, I went straight for the infertility obsession and focused on getting pregnant again. I know it was my way of coping but I never properly said goodbye. So, I may not be meant to have a daughter, and that is ok. The condition Faith had affects 80% of females, so that may be the reason this baby is a boy. Whatever the reason, the Good Lord knows best and I am finally at peace. And for those of you that are sick of me talking about this, I'm done! Ha! Now onto the boy things.
Mason Reid is his name. Pics to come of his room, cherry furniture and nautical bedding from Pottery Barn. He is going to be a precious addition to the Turner's!
As soon as I found out that it was a boy, any and all health concerns flew out of my mind. I do not stay up at night and worry, or spend hours examining my ultrasounds and googling. It is a God send that I have a peace of mind. I don't know if it is because I sub-consciously associate a daughter with the horrible experience from before, which I hope that is not the case, but I really think in my mind I did sort of think of this baby as the last one, but now he is a he, he has a whole new identity. I also wanted to post two comments that my best friend Sierra and my sister said that made me chuckle.
Sierra: "This baby will be the perfect little baby God intended for you, penis or no penis". LOL!
Natalie: "Boys are so much better than girls, girls get upset about silly things and are way over-dramatic, such as you being dissapointed your baby is not a girl. A boy would never do that".
I also realized that the past week, I actually grieved properly for Faith. Last year, I knew she was gone, but instead of mourning her death, I went straight for the infertility obsession and focused on getting pregnant again. I know it was my way of coping but I never properly said goodbye. So, I may not be meant to have a daughter, and that is ok. The condition Faith had affects 80% of females, so that may be the reason this baby is a boy. Whatever the reason, the Good Lord knows best and I am finally at peace. And for those of you that are sick of me talking about this, I'm done! Ha! Now onto the boy things.
Mason Reid is his name. Pics to come of his room, cherry furniture and nautical bedding from Pottery Barn. He is going to be a precious addition to the Turner's!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
It's a BOY!
So we found out the baby is a boy today! I am so excited that I can't stand it! I must have been very hormonal last week because I could not be more grateful and pleased that I have another healthy baby boy on the way! My house is full of baseball equipment and legos and we get to start all over again! Brad and I are very blessed and I just want to thank you all for your prayers and support. Now I get to go shopping and decorate a room which is just awesome!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I am having some issues, all emotional, and I thought of venting through my blog. So, I find out the baby's gender on Tuesday the 23rd and I really don't know how I feel about that. I am scared to know because it means I am that much more emotionally invested and that really scares me. I know everything is looking healhty but until I see and feel the baby in 4 months I will not be certain. I'm very jaded, I know! Also, I am apprehensive because the baby I lost was a girl and so I am so scared if this one is a girl I will feel guilty for 'replacing' my last daughter. And I feel guilty because I think I want a girl. I want to do the girly things and I have a boy so it would just be perfect to have one of each. On the other hand, I will be upset if it is a girl because of the replacement issue or how could I love this one and not transfer my love from that one to this one? Also, if its a boy what if I am upset that it's not a girl? And for months of infertility and anxiously waiting for a positive pregnacy test now I am being so picky about gender!? Come on Julie, you just wanted a baby just be happy with the baby! So now you probably think I need Prozac, and you are probably right. I know whatever God chooses for me and Brad will be exactly what we need and I will be ecstatic with either outcome. I am just having really mixed emotions and I am sure pregnancy hormones are not helping. If you could say a quick prayer that I will find peace and know as long as my baby is healthy I don't care what it is! Thanks gems!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Christmas 2009
Christmas 2009
This is a video my mother in law, Becky, made from our Christmas trip to Branson and then Christmas day. I thought it was really awesome!
This is a video my mother in law, Becky, made from our Christmas trip to Branson and then Christmas day. I thought it was really awesome!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Well I am 13 1/2 weeks which means I am in my second trimester. I went to UAMS Tuesday and was so relieved to have so many disorders ruled out. Down syndrome, all of the trisomy ones, spina bifida, and anacephaly. I can't tell you how freakin excited I was to see a perfectly round head on the big screen. They did a level 2 ultrasound and got a great toilet shot but they were not able to discern what parts went to what gender. I will scan the ultrasounds and ya'll can put in your two cents, girl or boy! I love the people at UAMS it was the same DR, tech, and specialist who helped us earlier last year. They remembered our previous circumstances so they were so accomodating. I will be going back in about four weeks so they can examine the heart for defects, but those are almost always genetic and I have no reason to think they will find anything. I am very glad they are staying on top of this. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, I think I can finally get excited! I go March 23rd and Dr. Martin will be able to tell me the gender. I will be a little over 17 weeks then. I'll update soon!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Exciting News!
I'm going to have a baby September 1st! Please pray for a healthy baby! I go to UAMS February 23rd for a 4d ultrasound and possibly some invasive tests (if the Ultrasound suggests more tests) so I will know for sure then if everything is normal and probably the gender. I'll update how the appointment goes soon!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Lil Dribblers
Peyton is on the Lil Dribblers team and here is a video of one of his perfomrances. He is on the front row and is the one very far right. The girl he is next to, was his Fall Festival queen! Please forgive the poor video skills!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Ok, Brad and I were discussing our New Year's Resolutions and I mentioned that I want to lose 40 pounds this year. He told me if I was successful, I could choose three places I would like to visit and he would pick one and we would go there together. So, my top three are Honolulu, New York, or Greece. I think Greece is def out of the picture, so we'll see about the others! I have a great incentive and my good freind Alexis lost 90 pounds doing Metafast. It is expensive but I think I am going to give it a try. Excercising and eating 1300 cals. a day isn't cutting it. I do cheat on weekends and I have hypothyroidism which makes it SUPER hard to lose. Wish me luck!
Getting my 2010 on!
Hello! Long time no blog! And no exscuses either because I have been off work/school for two weeks. I can truly say this Christmas was the best Christmas that I have ever had! For several reasons. We started by going to Branson with Brad's brother, sister in law, and mother and we really had a blast. Then we celebrated Christmas together with great food and fellowship. I am so blessed to have the family I have. I am going back to work tommorow and starting school in the next few weeks, which I do not want to do. I am really looking forward to 2010 because 2009 was not a good year for me in many ways, but I still have so many blessings and we did receive several answered prayers from God in 2009, for which I am very thankful. I know this year will bring smiles and happiness. My camera's battery was not charged on Christmas morning so I used Becky's (my MIL) and I will post when I get them. Happy New Year!
New Year's Resolutions:
1-Of course, lose weight. I gave up cokes and sweet tea in September which was a big deal. I have not had either since and I feel like that is a great way to cut calories. I eat fairly healthy, but I need to incorporate working out more than two days a week. I am so busy but that is no exscuse. I pay for the gym so I have got to use it to lose it!
2-Strive to be a better mom and wife.
3-Be a better Christian. I really am lacking in this area. I have got to start reading scripture daily and getting back into my bible study.
4-Get organized! I organized several areas over the break, but I still have the office to do and I want to deep clean weekly! Brad has been wanting to hire a house cleaner and I may give in. I just have to much going on and I can't keep up.
New Year's Resolutions:
1-Of course, lose weight. I gave up cokes and sweet tea in September which was a big deal. I have not had either since and I feel like that is a great way to cut calories. I eat fairly healthy, but I need to incorporate working out more than two days a week. I am so busy but that is no exscuse. I pay for the gym so I have got to use it to lose it!
2-Strive to be a better mom and wife.
3-Be a better Christian. I really am lacking in this area. I have got to start reading scripture daily and getting back into my bible study.
4-Get organized! I organized several areas over the break, but I still have the office to do and I want to deep clean weekly! Brad has been wanting to hire a house cleaner and I may give in. I just have to much going on and I can't keep up.
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