"Train a child in the way he should go & when he is old he will not turn from it". Proverbs 22:6

Monday, September 28, 2009
I am having a pitty party for myself so come on over! Yesterday I washed my iphone and I am sooooo sick over it! I waited almost two years for my upgrade and if you know me well I would frequently say well if we had an iphone we would know where to eat or wouldn't be lost. When I finally got my upgrade on my birthday, August 13th, I was so excited. I have never been a technology person, but it's the best invention ever especially for those that sit in countless hours of meetings. And I had to go and wash it! Then I started thinking why does everything always happen to me? I have always had bad luck my whole life! POOR ME! Brad and I are getting away this weekend for Dallas and it's also his birthday, so hopefully my week will brighten up. Thanks mom for always making me feel better-love you lots.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Here are some of my fall things, I couldn't fit them all in. Also, notice that Brad so graciously put my BMI scale together and I am so glad! It is much more accurate that my other one, and I have lost about 6 pounds. I am still a little frustrated, just because it has been almost four weeks, and I have made some major changes. BUT I am not going to get discouraged because at least I have lost some. Brad's mom always tells me it is not about how much you weigh, but your inches and how things are fitting. I have no idea if I have lost inches or not, but I am keeping that in mind when I weigh. As for Brad who is not even trying to cut back or diet or excercise, has lost 12 pounds since the last time he weighed. I think that was actually in January of 2009. I know that is 8 months, but still! How can you lose 12 pounds and not even try? Although I am happy for him, even though he could care less, he is at least healthier. And an update for my mom and sis, I still have not been an overall winner, but I think they felt sorry for me and gave me a nice fall candy dish for my coffee table.
We have so much going on, as I mentioned in my last blog, but please keep us in your prayers this week. I have so much going on, I hope I don't lose my mind.
After our walk!
Peyton is sitting closest to the camera, at the game
Here are some pics, some random, some not! Peyton got elected to be 'king' of his class for fall festival. I later found out it is a HUGE deal and something I do not necessarily have time for. It is all a fundraiser and whichever queen and king of each classe raises the most money, is the king and queen of the school, and they receive tons of prizes, trophies, a limo ride, etc. The winner is announced October 24th and we must rent a tux, I was told. Also, a fellow baseball mom told me they raised over 4000 dollars and still lost!!! I was thinking a few hundred! But it is an honor for Peyton, and he is very excited.
I am going to the Beth Moore conference in Memphis TN, the second weekend in October which I am soooo excited about. October is going to be busy busy! It is the first day of fall today, and my next post will be pics of my fall decor!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Another Peyton Story!
A quick story before I forget...I love blogging because my child says the funniest things and this is a great way to remember it!
On our way home from church around 8:30 p.m....
Peyton: Mom Mom stop at Sonic! I'm thirsty!!!
Me: No honey we are two minutes from home, maybe tommorow.
Me: No Peyton, I think they are closed.
Peyton: Mom, they are open til midnight or later!!
It was hillarious! That was a good lesson from the Lord not to lie!
On our way home from church around 8:30 p.m....
Peyton: Mom Mom stop at Sonic! I'm thirsty!!!
Me: No honey we are two minutes from home, maybe tommorow.
Me: No Peyton, I think they are closed.
Peyton: Mom, they are open til midnight or later!!
It was hillarious! That was a good lesson from the Lord not to lie!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I am so over the rain!!!! But I have had a great week, despite the rain. I got my haircut by someone other than my sister, the first time since January I believe. I know pathetic. I went somewhere I have never been before and will never go back. It was one of those things where on my lunch I decided I was getting a cut and so it was a walk in deal, which can never be good for a classy cut. No disrespect, but a black woman cut my hair and she put a 'mask' on it that I swear was pure baby oil. I washed it as soon as I got home and it is still in there today. Hopefully it won't cause my whole face to break out since I feel like I rubbed oil all over my body. Other than that it looks good, almost two inches got cut. I am making homeade beef strogonoff a recipe from Paula Dean, which I am excited about. Also, I am very pumped about the New Moon trailor that was shown on the VMAs, pretty much the only good part of the vmas, and I love the twilight saga! Team Jacob! Brad told me today that his boss bought us a sky box for the dallas/arkansas game in Dallas, so I am excited about that trip on October 2nd, which I am sure we will also celebrate Brad's birthday. And this weekend we are going out to eat with some of our best friends, Brook, Will, and Drake. Other than that, life is good. Also, the school nurse at the school I work at today commented on my weight twice today. It must've been what I was wearing because I went to the gym yesterday and haven't lost since last week. It still made me feel really good! Now to end on a story about Peyton:
Peyton: I told my teacher that my dad got stopped by the police and they almost took him to jail because he had a gun in his truck!!!
Me: Really?! Did you also tell the teacher that daddy showed them his concealed handgun liscense so they did not take him to jail and told him to go home and buckle up?
Peyton: No I didn't tell her that, she just looked at me and started talking to another teacher.
So, I am sure Mrs. Barnett thinks daddy is a convict!
Peyton: I told my teacher that my dad got stopped by the police and they almost took him to jail because he had a gun in his truck!!!
Me: Really?! Did you also tell the teacher that daddy showed them his concealed handgun liscense so they did not take him to jail and told him to go home and buckle up?
Peyton: No I didn't tell her that, she just looked at me and started talking to another teacher.
So, I am sure Mrs. Barnett thinks daddy is a convict!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I thought I would write about Baby Faith. I've been thinking about her a lot lately since she was due on September 15th. Several people have asked me what happened and I don't mind sharing because her life and death is a part of my life. To start from the beginning, Brad and I have had trouble conceiving for several months. When we were successful, it ended in miscarriage. So, we went to the dr to find out what the problem was, and she confirmed I was not ovulating and if I was, it was not a good egg which was causing the miscarriages. After being offerred several vigorous and very expensive options, we decided to chill for a couple months and after Christmas do something. Well in December we got pregnant. It seemed like a miracle at the time. In April I went in for my 18 week checkup to find out that my baby was a girl and get a few blood tests. I did not want to take the AFP test, because with Peyton I had it and they said he likely had down syndrome. I was worried my whole pregnancy. Since the test was optional, I opted out of it with Faith. Well Brad being the practical person he is talked me into getting it. So I did with the mindset that I didn't care what my baby had it was my baby and I would love it anyway. We got the results back the next week as being 'abnormal' but not to worry because it was just a screening not a confirmation. We went to the specialist at 21 weeks and they did a very high tech ultrasound that showed our baby. I knew right away, actually I knew my whole pregnancy something was wrong. I think Brad and my close family thought I was crazy and very pessimistic. I guess mother's instict is true. Anyway, the baby had a serious birth defect called anacephaly. It is a neural tube defect, which means her neural tube did not close all the way causing her skull not to form completly. Due to her skull not being formed totally, the brain was exposed. This condition is not compatible with life. The other neural tube defect that children can live with is spina bifida, which is when the neural tube doesn't close at the bottom of the tube or the spine. We were given two options. terminate the pregnancy or deliver on my due date. The last option was not recommended because the baby would undoubtedly die within hours or minutes of being born if not be a stillborn as well as pose several serious health issues for the mother if carried full term. Apparently since babies cannot swallow the amniotic fluid being produced due to the anacephaly, this causes it to build up in the mother and causes many problems. We decided to terminate the pregnancy. After thinking long and hard about it, we thought it was the best choice for everyone affected. I was very angry because instead of just feeling sad and devastated, I now felt sad, devastated, and guilty. How can a mother terminate her child's life regardless of the circumstances? We chose the name Faith because Faith is something hoped for but never seen. She went to heaven on May 14th to find the healthy body and mind she deserved. Hopefully we will have a healthy baby soon. I did find out I had a folic acid deficiency, which probably caused the anacephaly. I am now taking as recommended by my DR, 8X the normal dose of folic acid as well as a daily vitamin and a prenatal vitamin for the past four months. My dr also confirmed that I am ovulating, which is great news. Brad and I are very thankful to have one healthy sweet child, which is more than many people get. I wanted to post some pics of Faith, for those of you not experienced in ultrasounds, one is a picture of her very long leg which I love to look at. The other is a side pic of her whole body. Thank you for reading about our angel, and please pray for her spirit.
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
From Psalm 48:14
From Psalm 48:14
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.
Psalm 116:15
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Fast and Furious
That seems to be what our life is right now...But all is well! Brad has been out of town all week which is always a bad week for me! I miss him and I am scared at night. But I am just thankful that he has a job and I have been praying for courage. Ha Ha. I have actually talked him into contributing to our blog so hopefully he will be writing soon. I have been sick all week and went to the doctor Tuesday. I thankfully do not have the flu, but a 'viral infection'. On a better note, I have lost four pounds! I am contributing it to the fact that I have started eating better because I have always worked out. Ok so not as vigorously but still. I did miss women's bible study and Peyton missed AWANA because I didn't want to spread my viral infection. This weekend is going to be full of relaxation because I have had a quiz, a lesson plan, an exam, a reflection, and my big certification exam tommorow to study for as well as regular work, baseball, church, and PTO. So I am worn out. I am feeling better and more optimistic about life which is a sign that everything will be ok.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Ok, I had to post about our competition, mom and Natalie. Right now, Natalie is in the lead but I am determined to beat her at least one time. We are doing the game on diet. The rules are eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, excercise at least 20 minutes, eat 3 vegetables and 2 fruits, and drink 3L of water a day. Also, pick a new habit and an old habit you want to ditch and do them both daily. Mine are floss daily and read the bible at least 20 mins a day. I have been doing good so far, except for the water. I have totally cut out cokes and sweet tea and now drink diet and unsweet, but still can't seem to drink 3 liters of water. I have a work out buddy and we do women on weights at least twice a week at the gym, so I work out there and try to walk the dogs every day. My habits are good, but its easy right now because I just started my women's bible study so of course I do that, we'll see if I can keep it up when I am not 'supposed' to. The prize is 60 dollars. I have put on about 20 pounds over the past two years. I would like to get the weight off for several reasons, but a big one is so I can be at my optimal health when I get pregnant. A lot of birth defects are more common in overweight women, so if I can't lose weight for myself then I will for the hope of having a healthy baby. So, Game on (as my mom would say) Bitches!
Today is Labor Day, and we are relaxing at home. We had a very busy weekend, but it was great. Peyton is starting Fall Ball and he moved up from t-ball to pitching machine. He has already had one game and I can tell a huge difference, it is way more exciting. ;) Brad is working in the yard, he has become very obsessed with that. I am about to go walk/jog for the second time today and try to study. I have a huge test on Friday that will certify me at my job as a specialist, which will also get me a raise. Let's hope I pass! Also, my very best friend passed the BAR exam and she is a lawyer officially! I am so proud! This week will be good and I am just dying to decorate the house for Autumn, maybe I'll do that today.
Thank God for the veteran's who fought and are fighting for our freedom!!!!!!
Thank God for the veteran's who fought and are fighting for our freedom!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
If you know me at all, then you know that it is very hard for me to turn down a stray dog. I have a soft spot for stray animals, probably because I have had three very special dogs get killed and I shudder to think of animals getting hit by vehicles which is most likely what will happen to strays. So, when I find a stray, which is more common in Greenbrier because they do not have an active animal rescue, I immediately put them in my backyard and run an ad in the paper. I have always found a home for every dog I've found-until now. I can't catch this dog, but he stays in our yard. He is a beautiful male yellow lab, who is not neutered. So last Wednesday we went to church. Came home, and Brinkley had dug a hole and escaped the fence. I am guessing because she is in heat or something because she has never done that. So we found her and the male dog, which Peyton has named Cowboy, roaming around the neighborhood. So we are wondering if we are going to have puppies. Hopefully not, that is the last thing we need.
We decided to start a blog so that we can keep up with our memories better. This is an exciting time of year for us. Brad's job is going extremely well, which is truly an answered prayer. . I am working on my master's in teaching from UCA and I have about one more year until I am a teacher! I can't wait! Peyton just started first grade at Greenbrier Eastside and he loves it! We are very very blessed and God keeps blessing us. Oh and we just got a jet ski which we are super excited about. I will post pics soon. Can't wait for the Razorback game this weekend, we have great seats and it's the first game that all of us three will be going to together. It's usually Brad and Peyton and I stay at my sister's tailgate, So I'm excited to join the boys. Woo Pig Sooie!!!
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