Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I am so over the rain!!!! But I have had a great week, despite the rain. I got my haircut by someone other than my sister, the first time since January I believe. I know pathetic. I went somewhere I have never been before and will never go back. It was one of those things where on my lunch I decided I was getting a cut and so it was a walk in deal, which can never be good for a classy cut. No disrespect, but a black woman cut my hair and she put a 'mask' on it that I swear was pure baby oil. I washed it as soon as I got home and it is still in there today. Hopefully it won't cause my whole face to break out since I feel like I rubbed oil all over my body. Other than that it looks good, almost two inches got cut. I am making homeade beef strogonoff a recipe from Paula Dean, which I am excited about. Also, I am very pumped about the New Moon trailor that was shown on the VMAs, pretty much the only good part of the vmas, and I love the twilight saga! Team Jacob! Brad told me today that his boss bought us a sky box for the dallas/arkansas game in Dallas, so I am excited about that trip on October 2nd, which I am sure we will also celebrate Brad's birthday. And this weekend we are going out to eat with some of our best friends, Brook, Will, and Drake. Other than that, life is good. Also, the school nurse at the school I work at today commented on my weight twice today. It must've been what I was wearing because I went to the gym yesterday and haven't lost since last week. It still made me feel really good! Now to end on a story about Peyton:

Peyton: I told my teacher that my dad got stopped by the police and they almost took him to jail because he had a gun in his truck!!!
Me: Really?! Did you also tell the teacher that daddy showed them his concealed handgun liscense so they did not take him to jail and told him to go home and buckle up?
Peyton: No I didn't tell her that, she just looked at me and started talking to another teacher.

So, I am sure Mrs. Barnett thinks daddy is a convict!


  1. You are going to Dallas! Sweet. Maybe I will change my mind on Brad's birthday present - you'll have to call me later this week. Did Brad really get stopped by the police? If so, why?
    Not sure how much you cut your hair but I like it when it is about the length you had in your graduation picutre. Like I tell Celice, it is how much you weigh, if you are working out, you can loose inches and not pounds. Keep it up girl. I read Brent's blog and he said if I could commit to quitting smoking he could commit to loosing weight - so that is keeping me going.

  2. He did get stopped by the police, it was a road block and they were checking everyone, he was not wearing a seatbelt, but they didn't give him a ticket. I'll call you later this week ab the birthday, I still think he will love your idea and he probably will buy tickets to at least one more home game anyway as he would not buy the blower/sucker for himself. I know weight doesn't matter, but it would be so rewarding if that number would change! That is true, I'm sure quitting smoking is so much harder than working out and eating better so I can do this. You keep it up too, it's going to pay off.

  3. OK, that is SOOOO funny about Peyton! You know that she will tell that story for years about one of her students whose dad almost went to jail because he had a gun in his truck.

    I love it!!!

    P.S. I do that all the time about haircuts... just decide on a whim to go! Can't wait to see what it looks like tonight!
