Monday, September 7, 2009

Ok, I had to post about our competition, mom and Natalie. Right now, Natalie is in the lead but I am determined to beat her at least one time. We are doing the game on diet. The rules are eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, excercise at least 20 minutes, eat 3 vegetables and 2 fruits, and drink 3L of water a day. Also, pick a new habit and an old habit you want to ditch and do them both daily. Mine are floss daily and read the bible at least 20 mins a day. I have been doing good so far, except for the water. I have totally cut out cokes and sweet tea and now drink diet and unsweet, but still can't seem to drink 3 liters of water. I have a work out buddy and we do women on weights at least twice a week at the gym, so I work out there and try to walk the dogs every day. My habits are good, but its easy right now because I just started my women's bible study so of course I do that, we'll see if I can keep it up when I am not 'supposed' to. The prize is 60 dollars. I have put on about 20 pounds over the past two years. I would like to get the weight off for several reasons, but a big one is so I can be at my optimal health when I get pregnant. A lot of birth defects are more common in overweight women, so if I can't lose weight for myself then I will for the hope of having a healthy baby. So, Game on (as my mom would say) Bitches!


  1. So when did the competition begin? Good luck!

  2. I didn't know you had a blog! :-) Whoo-hooo!!!!

    Good luck with the losing weight --- I too am on a mission, and you couldn't have said it better! I am on that mission for this exact reason, "so if I can't lose weight for myself then I will for the hope of having a healthy baby."

    We can do it! :-)
